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Chair, Talandra Jones-Beauregard,

Our Economic Development Committee is committed to encouraging and empowering our community to become financially literate and economically self-sufficient. In fulfilling our commitment to Delta Sigma Theta’s Five-Point Programmatic Thrust, we seek to provide quarterly and/or annual events to ensure financial education and exposure are provided to the community we serve and beyond. We do this through the development and implementation of programs that address the Financial Planning and Consumer Literacy needs of our community.



Please visit our Youth Initiatives tab for additional information.

United Nations



Chair, Andrea Bond Johnson,

The JTAC International Awareness and Involvement committee provides enriching educational, informational and cultural awareness programs for members of JTAC and the local community. We provide financial support to the sorority’s sustainability partners.

The International Awareness and Involvement Committee is dedicated to our partnerships with Regional Inter-Faith Association (RIFA) which provided snack backpacks to school-age kids and Tennessee Community HIV/AIDS Partnership (Tennessee CHAP) which provides programs for Worlds AIDS Day and National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.

Physical & Mental


Chair, NaTasha Daniels,

Our Physical and Mental Health Committee encourages wellness in our sorority and service area. The committee offers a variety of creative programs designed to proactively raise awareness on major health and wellness concerns that disproportionately impact the minority community. We partner with major organizations such as the American Cancer Society that work toward the eradication of diseases and illnesses that affect the human condition.

Smiling Girl

Political Awareness 

And Involvement

Chair, Robin Gadsden-Dupree,

Social Action is the vehicle through which the Sorority establishes a position on an emerging or perennial public issue, determines the action to be taken, and directs the actions of members, chapters, and representative bodies. Each of Delta’s programmatic initiatives have an advocacy component that is implemented under the auspices of social action when it is appropriate or necessary to do so.

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